Install as App!

Discover the best 5-Star hotels in Greece by using our website
as an application in your PC, Tablet, and Smartphone.

How It Works

Interesting to know more? Here’s how it works:


Take a deep dive and try our list of over 40+ unique 5-Star Hotels.

Local tips

Discover tips and tricks for your next trip & get to know the places better!

Luxury at it's best

We only review 5-star hotels and nothing less!

How to Install our App

It’s free, it’s fast, and it’s lightweight!

Install in Desktops

  1. Open Microsoft Edge browser.
  2. Visit Family Experiences Blog | Hotels website.
  3. Click at the 3 dots at the right top corner.
  4. Go to Apps –> Install as an app.

Install in Android

  1. Open any browser you want.
  2. Open the browser’s Settings.
  3. Click at the “Add to home” option.

Install in iOS

  1. Open Safari. Other browsers, such as Chrome, won’t work.
  2. Make sure you visit the exact page you want to open through the shortcut. Tap “Go.
  3. Tap the Share button on the bottom of the page.
  4. In the list of options that appear, scroll down until you see Add to Home Screen. Tap this.