De afgelopen jaren heb ik de kans gehad om bij diverse media iets meer te vertellen over Griekenland. In deze rubriek ‘Over Griekenland gesproken’ verzamel ik soundbites en interviews.
Het meest recent was een interview over Family Travel in het Travel magazine ΤΑΞΙΔΙΑ van ΚΑΘΗΜΕΡΙΝΗ, een van de grootste kranten in Griekenland.
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Travel Bloggers Greece
In ’10 Questions with Travel Bloggers Greece Featured Member Celeste Tat’ vertel ik meer over mijn achtergrond, mijn reiservaringen, mijn eerste reisblog over Griekenland en mijn favorite reisbestemmingen in Griekenland.
Celeste is half-Dutch, half-Italian and first came to Greece some 20 years ago to work as a tour guide in Crete. She followed an education in Tourism and studied Spanish and Cultural Studies at the University of Amsterdam. For her thesis, she researched the foreign Cultural and Archaeological schools. She worked at the Dutch Institute in Athens where she organized an educational program, co-wrote a book, an article and finally decided to stay in Greece. She worked in PR & Hospitality during the Athens 2004 Olympic Games and 6 more years in Coca-Cola Hellenic. She travelled extensively for both business and pleasure around Greece and Europe. After the birth of daughters (6 and 3 years old), Celeste decides to be a full time mother. She spends most of her time on finding and enjoying family activities, family friendly restaurants and vacations and excursions. Celeste has many interests and likes change. Her hobbies include: crafts, food and wine, the beach, reading, the arts, museums and to be active outdoors. Celeste loves swimming in the sea, long walks in nature and participated in the 2014 Athens Marathon for Family Goes Out.
TBG: What is your blog about?
CT: It is about (my) family outings, activities, and holidays in Athens and Greece. Activities can be adventure parks but also exploring nature, art classes, museums, restaurants, beaches, traditional local events etc. Besides kid-friendly, I focus on family-friendly. I found that a lot of places are nice for children, but not for parents. The same goes for hotels. When my second child was a newborn baby, we all desperately needed a holiday. I found a resort hotel that was very child-friendly and at the same time the kind of place that I would go to without children. My husband and I were able to still have a beautiful dinner and enjoy our drinks in the evening whilst our children were safe and happy too. I want to find more such places where both parents and children can spend quality time together.
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Over Griekenland gesproken: Thank God it’s Friday
Het afgelopen jaar had ik ook de kans om bij NPO Radio 2 iets meer te vertellen over het wonen en leven in Griekenland. De onderstaande fragmenten zijn het resultaat van de samenwerking met het NPO Radio 2 programma Thank God It’s Sunday.
Schone Maandag of Kathara Deftera in Griekenland
Over Halloween in Griekenland ‘Zo kan het ook’
Over Griekenland gesproken: Koningsdag in het buitenland
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