Red Easter Eggs 

Red Easter eggs are an important part of the celebrations at Easter in Greece. Nowadays, you can buy the Greek red Easter eggs in the supermarket but it’s so much fun to do it yourself. There are many ways to color the eggs, have a look at the many recipes online. You can use a commercial dye set that can be bought everywhere in Greece during the weeks before Easter (supermarkets, toy stores, etc) or use vegetables such as beets or red onions for coloring in an organic way. Whatever method you will use, it is guaranteed family fun and such a special tradition.

Easter eggs as easy as 1,2,3

I usually opt for an easy way to dye our Easter eggs. I buy a small pouch of red dye from the nearest supermarket. We just follow the instructions on the product. My kids can do most of it on their own. 

  1. Boil the eggs in a large stainless steel pan
  2. Add vinegar
  3. Add the red dye
  4. Watch the time and let the eggs cool off

Cracking the Easter Eggs

The traditional Greek Easter egg game is called tsougrisma, and it involves two players and red eggs. Each player holds a red egg, and one taps the end of her/his egg lightly against the end of the other player’s egg. The goal is to crack the opponent’s egg. When one end is cracked, the winner uses the same end of her/his egg to try to crack the other end of the opponent’s egg. The player who successfully cracks the eggs of the other players is declared the winner and, it is said, will have good luck during the year.

What Happens to the Cracked Eggs

After the cracking is done, not a bit of egg is wasted. They are peeled, cut, and served with salt and vinegar. Some families make a small appetizer tray with the eggs along with leftover cold lamb, and other delicacies to be served with red wine or ouzo to guests who stop by on Easter Monday or at other times during the week after the holiday.

Happy Easter, Kalo Pascha!

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Celeste is a Dutch Italian mom of two daughters. She was born & raised in The Netherlands, but lives in Athens, Greece for 25+ years. Celeste studied Culture and holds a Tourism degree. Whether you and your family live in Greece or are visiting, this blog will show you the very best ways in which to celebrate family life here.

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