Relocating to Greece? I did that a while ago, and I am sharing my experiences in an interview with Expat Focus.

Who are you?
My name is Celeste Tat. I am a Dutch/Italian born and raised in the Netherlands. I live in Athens, Greece with my family. As a digital marketing freelancer, I write stories about traveling, moving, and living in Greece for a number of websites and on my own platform called Family Experiences Blog.
Where, when, and why did you move abroad?
I studied Cultural History at the University of Amsterdam. After obtaining my Master’s degree in 1998, the university offered me a post-doc project at the Dutch Archaeological Institute in Athens. There, I stayed in one of the guest rooms of the institute, located right underneath the Acropolis. That is when I fell in love with Athens. Living in the heart of (ancient) history, was a dream come true.
Are you thinking of relocating to Greece with your family? You may find the following articles helpful: