At home with kids just during the corona (Covid-19) crises? In this post, local insider and parent of two, Anastasia in Crete, tells us what it’s like for her to stay at home with kids in Greece.
At home with kids in Greece
The coronavirus outbreak is a new reality which has come to challenge our everyday lives with a very important purpose. To keep us safe and help prevent this epidemic. Even though the majority of people may not understand the necessity behind this closure but it is of vital importance that we follow the rules.
Thinking of all the above and how crucial this situation is we are asked to do one thing. To stay home. And that’s as hard as it gets. Of course, we can all go out for our jogging routine or grocery shopping but that’s basically all about going out.
How difficult is it to spend the days at home with kids for a few weeks? With kids?
On a personal level, I was relieved that I would be on such a long leave as I’m a very hard-working person (outside the home) and this pause was very welcome as I would spend time with my kids and I found it as a wonderful opportunity to catch up and do things we don’t normally do in our everyday lives.
So here is what we have been doing these days at home with kids;
Outdoor fun
For those who have a porch, a garden or even a big veranda, this is the perfect opportunity for gardening, weed cleaning, or planting seeds. Add some extra fun by getting your kids their own gardening set. My kids also love easy bricolage jobs, like painting a small table or chairs. This is something that all kids enjoy as it makes them feel like grown-ups.

Physical exercise in the open air, playing tennis against a wall or table tennis will be lots of fun for all the family.
Indoor Fun
If possible in the house, isolate a room or a corner for the children so that they can have a creative space, that will make a difference in their routine while being at home with kids

Kids can choose between their favourite activities in this room, and they can also be responsible to maintain it in order.
Treasure Run
One great game to play indoors during rainy days, school vacation, homeschooling, or quarantine is this Treasure Run. Kids will be running around, there are several cool puzzles and you will have 60 minutes of solid fun!
Our favorite puzzles and games
Kids love puzzles and what I have found very appealing for younger kids and those with less patience are the 3d puzzles which come with numbers and are easy build. A globe is a very good idea as it is also the perfect opportunity to learn the basics of geography and also plan a trip after we are again safe to travel. We love this Ravensburger children’s world globe.
If you click on the highlighted puzzle and game links in the text, you will find more information about the mentioned products
Table family games are also a great opportunity for the family to enjoy good times with no rush. We like Catan, Taboo for a good laugh, Risk which can last a good few days, Jenga, and Uno are amongst the most popular for families in all times, and definitely in my house!

If you want kids to improve their spelling and you don’t want them to know, just play hangman game on a whiteboard. They will be revising without even knowing. You can also buy the Wooden Hangman Game to make it extra fun.
Another game which my kids love is the Treasure Hunt. Hide the treasures and let kids find them by written riddles that you will invent on pieces of paper. Just be warned that you may have to do it every day, and at some point, you may be running out of ideas! That is why I love both the Ukloo Riddle Edition Treasure Hunt Game and the Scavenger Hunt Game with fun cards. For ‘real’ treasures, have a look at these Pirate Gold Coins!
My son loves chess and I absolutely love this Wooden Board Game for learning chess for families who stay at home with kids and are interested in learning how to play chess.
Our favorite books
The perfect opportunity to read the books you want by your self or with the kids. There is plenty of time for all of that. Greek mythology is our favourite subject but also other books about the Ancient Greeks are found in editions totally appealing to children.
These are our favorites; Treasury of Greek Mythology: Classic Stories of Gods, Goddesses, Heroes & Monsters, D’Aulaires’ Book of Greek Mythology, Myths Collection Box and Greek Myths and Mazes.
If you cook with your kids they will love you forever. Try things you never tried before, experiment new tastes, let them be the chef of the day. You will benefit in the long run. We use some kid-friendly cooking books to get inspired. These two are our best: The Complete Cooking Book for Young Chefs (there is a baking version too!) and the big fun kid’s Cookbook.

At-home activities that we love
Draw a painting together, dance and sing, make future travelling plans, try to give this quarantine a special scent, this is an opportunity to let all other worries aside for a while, focus on doing as you are asked and stay at home with kids. This eventually will pass, normality will come. Let’s stay strong and positive.
What have you been doing these days at home with kids? I am looking forward to hearing from you! Meanwhile, if you want to read more about what we do when we CAN leave the house, have a look at our experiences of family outings in Crete on this blog!
PS. Have a look at Greek Easter in corona days for more activities with kids at home
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