Running a household with kids can be a daunting task. Traveling with the kids adds more challenges to parenting. That’s why we regularly share tips and parenting hacks on this blog. This post is about customized lanyards, pins, and stickers for easy travel with Kids!
Customized Lanyards, Pins, and Stickers for easy travel with Kids
There are many ways to make traveling with children a nice experience. For me, preparation is key. Take time to plan ahead and get organized. One of the most important of organizing your trip is your travel luggage. Here’s where you have to be as organized as you can.
Each member of your family should have their own bag, and older kids will be responsible for packing and carrying their suitcases. There are lots of products on the market that can help you get organized, before and during your trip. To make your family trip a relaxing one, here are 3 products that will help you for easy travel with kids.
1. Customized Lanyards
Perhaps the most used item in my household: lanyards! I use them for my house keys, for my car keys, and to hold my kids’ corona certificate paper. Lanyards have been a lifesaver since my kids were born. I was very afraid of leaving my keys inside my car one day. Carrying them around my neck gives me a sense of safety because I cannot lose them. These customized lanyards are perfect for your family keys or can be used as ID badge holders when traveling. Kids will love wearing a custom lanyard printed with their name, phone number, or other important information.

2. Custom Stickers
The moment is there, you have arrived at your destination, anxiously waiting for your luggage at the Arrivals. The big question is how to recognize your luggage on the conveyor belt. Don’t we all have a black or blue suitcase? Here it is really important that your luggage stands out. This way, you will find your bags fast, and you will not take someone’s else luggage to the hotel. Stickers are ideal for hard case suitcases and a great solution for recognizing your bags and personalizing your bags. With custom stickers, you can create stickers for your family or make name stickers with your kids’ favorite cartoon character, icon, or slogan.

3. Customized Pins
Within the same concept, check out these customized enamels pins. Teens, especially, love pins and would rather have a cool button on their backpack than a name label or sticker (I know mine would). Pins are less suitable for hard case suitcases, but they are great for soft luggage bags, backpacks, and jackets. They can be used as name tags, and schools can use them to identify kids during a field trip, or any kind of group outing. Check out the cool glow-in-the-dark enamel ones! They also make an affordable gift or a great souvenir to remember your family trip!

More Easy Travel with Kids Tips
Customized lanyards, stickers, or pins can make travel with kids easy and fun. For more family travel hacks and tips, have a look here:

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