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Tips for a heatwave in Athens

Tips for a heatwave in Athens

Celeste Tat
Lycabetus hill over Athens SH scaled

Last Updated on June 4, 2024 by Celeste.

Athens experiences scorching summers, making it one of the hottest capitals in Europe. During July and August, temperatures easily reach 35-36°C (95-97°F), and during heatwaves, they can soar as high as 40°C (104°F). The highest recorded temperature was an astonishing 43°C (109.5°F) in August 2021. So, when exploring Athens in summer, prepare for intense heat and seek shade whenever possible.

Tips for a heatwave in Athens

Tips for a heatwave in Athens

This year, the first heatwave came in today, on 4 June. When facing the scorching heat in Athens, follow these essential tips for a heatwave in Athens to stay cool and comfortable:

  1. Hydration is Key:
    • Carry a water bottle with you at all times and sip regularly throughout the day.
    • Opt for fresh fruits and vegetables with high water content, such as watermelon and cucumber.
  2. Plan Your Day Strategically:
    • Avoid peak heat hours by planning activities early in the morning or late in the afternoon.
    • Use midday hours for relaxing in shaded spots or visiting indoor attractions like museums.
  3. Dress Appropriately:
    • Choose lightweight, breathable clothing made from natural fabrics like cotton or linen.
    • When facing a heatwave, choose footwear that keeps you cool and comfortable. Here are some recommendations:
    • Canvas Shoes:
      • Opt for canvas shoes if you need closed-toe footwear. Canvas allows heat to escape, keeping your feet cooler.
    • Chic Sandals:
      • Whenever possible, wear chic sandals. They provide ventilation and allow your feet to breathe.
    • Remember, breathable shoes are essential during hot weather!
  4. Wear light-colored clothes that reflect the sun’s rays.
    • Don’t forget a wide-brimmed hat, sunglasses, and high SPF sunscreen.
  5. Seek Shade and Stay Indoors:
    • Take refuge in Athens’ green spaces, parks, and iconic landmarks.
    • Explore fascinating indoor attractions like the Acropolis Museum and National Archaeological Museum.
  6. Take Refreshing Breaks:

By following these tips for a heatwave in Athens, you’ll beat the heat and make the most of your time in my beautiful adopted home city!

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